Saturday, December 26, 2009

Closing Time

Hello Readers,

Some of you may have noticed fewer posts these past several months. During a 2 1/2 hour meditation this morning, where I gained tremendous clarity on a number of things, I realized that it is time to close Metaminute. I am fortunate to have writing inspiration, yet, Metaminute is not the venue to which I'm now called. I will be returning to poetry and working within creative writing for the first time. Beyond this, I believe the blog fulfilled its personal goal--to sustain me, and share with others, this spiritual path upon which I found myself. I learned a great deal during this time, and I learned even more over recent weeks. Thank you for reading, for your comments, and for providing this platform. Perhaps another time will come for Metaminute. Until then, I look forward to reading your blog entries and following you offline.

Be well,


James Ethan said...

Eeeep! NOOOOO! I just got back into the habit of regularly reading everyone's blogs. I read blogs more than I read the news (okay, that's not saying much, but still.) Will you at least keep the account open and occassionally (yes, I know it's spelled wrong) post some of your poetry?

Softheart4all said...

Like Ethan, I've not been very good at keeping up my reading. I certainly understand your reasons for "closing" and feel very fortunate that I am in your life to have access to the development of your many gifts.

Much metta

Ethan said...

I keep checking back here to see if maybe you've changed your mind...