Monday, November 10, 2008

Destination: Unknown

I am about to run out of words today, but I wanted to write a short "open letter" to my leftist activists friends:

We are on the heels of the next Progressive Era. Here is a precious period of time in which progressive ideas will re-emerge into the body politic. I have read about bygone moments like these. I am moved by humbled excitment to witness such a time.

I know that this era, however, will be much more critical than previous ones. In this short time we will determine the path of our nation and the world. We will either choose to continue a destructive path paved with spiritual and physical violence, or we will choose a nuturing path toward a restorative ethic and fulfilling future.

Many leftist-spiritual activists have visioned walking on the nurturing path much longer than my short lifetime can account. Some have probably predicted reaching this juncture. But few visionaries have been able to articulate this vision, and even fewer seem able to enumerate how we create this new world order.

For some of us this vision is reality. It is here. It always was and always will be the world in which we live. How do we allow others to share this vision with us? Here we struggle. I struggle, too, yet I know one thing for certain.

We ought to invite others to share this vision. After all, it is a beautiful view. I remain sure that we cannot make this invitation by disengaging with the prevailing order. Many leftists (though not all) wish to create change not merely for themselves but for the world. How do we go about this by co-existence? I do not see a way.

I ask: at which point do we engage the powers-that-be in a deep conversation about the paths we must choose? We may not be able to predict the time now--we will realize it in course--yet there will come a time. For how long can we swim in the vast ocean without a destination? We must speak, inquire, challenge, refuse, and expect our vision into reality. It will not simply appear with our best intentions nor will it simply reside next to the prevailing order.

Why do we continue to live in our heads against the "system" when we can work with our hearts for a vision anew?


Ethan James said...

Mmmm... amen, sister!

I loved the post. It's true, since the election I have felt a kind of light-heartedness about life and the world around us. No matter how bad things may seem to be, hope and inspiration are swelling, even among the most depressed and downtrodden. And to inspire those who may feel they have nothing is NO SMALL THING!

I particularly liked the last line, "Why do we continue to live in our heads against the 'system' when we can work with our hearts for something anew?" (Okay, I just wrote it from memory so it might not be perfect...) but it got me thinking: what will I do so that the message of hope and humanity don't just remain the vision of one man? There are ways to change the world politically and legally, but I think I'd like my contribution to be more social and spiritual.

Damn... we've all got a long way to go. :)

Richael said...

Thanks Ethan for being a loyal reader and contributor! Yes. Regardless of our paths I hope that we see each other along the way.

I don't suggest that there's a actual destination but there is a manifest place where our values thrive. Our work is continual but I'd just like to approach the edge :) I think you feel the same way.

Ethan James said...

I just had a thought. So, at the bottom of your blog outline (on the right side) it says you know, click here to follow this blog. Below that it says, "1 Follower." It doesn't say, "Ethan J is following this blog," or "Friends: ___" I like the idea that I am one of your FOLLOWERS. LOL.

Richael said...

LOL. I know. I tried to remove it but I think it's permanent. There should be "sharers" listed too. Blogspot allows you to name the feature while still keeping "followers." Odd, huh?