Friday, November 7, 2008

A Light Way of Keepin' It Real During These Post-Election Times

Cultural Behavioral Tips On Reacting Obamas Win:

Please enjoy the "spirit of the moment" as Michel Martin suggests. But, too, let's please be real--we still have a lot to do toward racial reconcilation in America. Barack Obama's presidency does not declare racism dead. On the other hand, maybe--just maybe--these United States of ours is beginning to live up to its promise (all forty acres of it).

1 comment:

Ethan James said...

Ahhhh... I loved it. Of course I had to check it out after you mentioned it in the car. I copied and pasted the list into a cute little email that my mom can read on the train tomorrow from her blackberry.

And I dunno... Barack Obama James doesn't sound THAT bad. LOL