Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Year of Mindfulness

A year ago, about this time, I was so excited about my new life direction. New energy, new prospects, new surroundings. Today, I am still embracing change, as I approaching my second-year of law school, and I am excited about this moment, if not law school itself (for reasons which seem evident to any lawyer).

At our POC sangha this month, we reflected on how mindfulness changed our lives. I appreciated the question because it had been some time that I contemplated my past practice, leading up to this point. At the turn of the year, I made commitment to mindfulness, so that I could be less future-oriented and more present-minded. I've come some way. I visited my previous blogs from August 08 - July 09 so consider insights, lessons, and observations.

In August,
-I learned how to surrender to silence. Practice of "letting go."
-I observed how my identities have evolved, changed, and replaced themselves during my lifetime. Impermanence.
-I wrote a poem about love's re-discovery. Practice of metta.

In September,
-I noticed that Dharma (truth) is everywhere. Fourth Noble Truth; the path toward freedom.
-I paused to witness the beauty of autumn, my favorite season. Four Immeasurable Minds; compassion and equanimity.

In October,
-I posted a picture that I'd drawn of a heart-opening and a deeply-moving quote about the foundation of love. Mindfulness.
-I reflected on the miracle of meditation and contemplative stillness to create peace. Skillful Concentration; one-pointedness concentration.
-I wrote about finding home. Skillful thinking.
-I discussed my own failures regarding sex-positivity and harmful consumption. Skillful action.

In November,
-I described the power of remembering, as inspired by James Baldwin. Own Buddha-nature and karma.
-I posted a friend's writing about America's historical election. Three refuges; building sangha.
-I reflected on spiritual terrorism on National Transgender Remembrance Day. Third Noble Truth; cessation to suffering is possible.
-I wrote an open letter to other left-visionaries. Three Doors of Liberation; aimlessness.
-I was reminded about inter-connectedness after seeing Milk. Three Doors of Liberation; emptiness (selflessness).

In December,
-I re-visited my own body-relationship after a body-meditation. Mindfulness meditation.
-I contemplated family-inherited struggles and how I will serve as a vessel for breaking-free. Prajnaparamita (understanding).
-I committed to a more simple lifestyle. Skillful action.

In January,
-I documented my southern road trip to see family in Georgia & Alabama. Skillful effort.
-I shared my first silent retreat experience where I committed to mindfulness.
-I celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.'s spirit and legacy. Four Immeasurable Minds; compassion and equanimity.

In February,
-I recounted the incredible struggle to defend my True Sangha. First Noble Truth; life is suffering.
-I shared my thoughts about "giving" after a Baha'i Devotional. Danaparamita; generosity.
-I honored a younger, wise friend of mine with a poem. Six paramitas; "perfect wisdom."

In March,
-I divulged my challenges with skillful speech and how sacred pausing helped my skillfness. Skillful speech.
-I reveled about "little people" after visiting my friend, Catherine's, first-graders. Buddha-nature, continuity/reincarnation, beginner's mind.

In April,
-I observed Dr. Seuss' lessons about compassion. Four Immeasurable Minds.
-I claimed Buddha as my life co-pilot. Fourth Noble Truth; a way toward freedom.
-I recalled my abandoned beliefs about permanence. Three Doors of Liberation; impermanence and signlessness (seeing beyond the surface).

In May,
-I wrote a poem about my abandoned attachment to always being happy. Third Noble Truth; desire as suffering.
-I wrote about the power of reiki and healing. Fourth Noble Truth; a path toward freedom.
-I expressed gratitude about living among community (of all life) after visiting a neighborhood garden. Four Immeasurable Minds; lovingkindness and joy.

In June,
-I used a nature metaphor to share about difference and belonging. Kshantiparamita (capacity to receive, bear and transform pain).
-I described how I re-discovered joy once I understood my parents' addictions. Four Immeasurable Minds; joy.

In July,
-I came upon the dharma that I needed on holisitic work and honoring self. Skillful Livelihood.
-I posted a poem that I wrote for a dear friend about the Oneness of mind, heart, and soul. Three Doors of Liberation; signlessness.

In August,
-I came upon another dharmic lesson: how to turn away from fear. Practice of "letting go."

Really, each of these lessons, is ultimately the same lesson--another step away from greed, delusion, and fear. I am incredibly thankful for the spiritual growth over the past two years, and I see endless possibilities at the end of another moment, another year.

This will be the Year of Concentration. If mindfulness is a transformation of heart, concentration is a transformation of mind.

I'll see y'all along the way.

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