I'd like to take a moment to recognize my closest and oldest confidant, Teddy. Most everyone reading has heard of, or has been frightened by, my 23 soon-to-be 24 year old companion. He sleeps with me every night, travels with me wherever I go, and in my view, embodies the best of experience.
Sometimes, I say that how a person reacts to Teddy tells me a lot about who they are. Some folks look onto Teddy with nostalgia, compassion, or disgust but more often a combination of feelings. Ultimately, Teddy evokes what you see in yourself over time.
I don't see anything wrong with Teddy. I only see comfort and familiarity. As some friends have said, "he's been loved." Indeed he has in different ways. For a long time I loved Teddy without being able to care for Teddy. Teddy enjoys a peaceful life these days as I enjoy more peace.
Teddy's actually looking better than he's ever been. Go ahead, Teddy!
How do I see Teddy?
Honestly, I look at Teddy and I think about the first time you and Erika slept over at my house... and Erika and I kidnapped and held Teddy for ransom... then we planted him in your dad's place, suspended from the ceiling with a note taped to him. Morbid, yes, but it takes me back to a time when no matter how shitty the world got, I had two best friends who were always there for me and from whom I would do and give anything.
I guess that's what Teddy means. :)
Teddy is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
I still cannot say, in honesty, that I think Teddy is objectively "cute," but he's grown on me.
He is ... unique. And should he ever pass from this world, I will miss him.
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